The Organization

The registered association “Project Blind Vision” has been recognized as a non-profit organization since its foundation in 2009 and with a renewing decision of 10.11.2020.

The association “Project Blind Vision” can issue donation receipts or donation notices.


President Bernd Wagner

President: Bernd Wagner

Vice-President Thomas Huber

Vice-President: Thomas Huber

Treasury: Birgit Barner

Member Thoamas Glatzel
Thomas Glatzel

Schriftführerin Silvia Eckert-Wagner

Secretary: Silvia Eckert-Wagner

Donate and become a Member!
You can support the project by one-off donations (money or other) or by becoming a member.

Due to its regularity, support from memberships allows better planning for the future. A membership can be cancelled at any point without having to provide justifications. The organization is registered as charitable, donations can be used for tax breaks.

pdf IconDonation PDF

pdf Icon Membership PDF

For donations use the form above or the following bank account:
IBAN: DE 247 205 121 00006 054 472; BIC: BY LADE M1 AIC