Funding is at this point exclusively from private donations.
Donate and become a Member!
You can support the project by one-off donations (money or other) or by becoming a member.
Due to its regularity, support from memberships allows better planning for the future. A membership can be cancelled at any point without having to provide justifications. The organization is registered as charitable, donations can be used for tax breaks.
For donations use the form above or the following bank account:
IBAN: DE 247 205 121 00006 054 472
The donations, which constitute the sole income of the project, go mainly towards paying the salaries of the carers. Even covering the occurring heating and food costs for the children can sometimes be financially challenging.
Apart from monetary donations we also receive donations of clothes, educational material, musical instruments and exercise equipment. Some things are also built in the day care itself.
We are therefore extremely grateful for any further support.
We would like to achieve that
- we can pay adequate and motivating salaries, to retain and further qualify our staff,
- we can cover the heating costs and necessary repairs, but also food for the children,
- we can provide the highest possible standard of educational equipment.
“We have come a long way, but there’s a long way still ahead of us.”
We are still in need of a plethora of things, child clothes, toys that are adequate for children with disabilities, musical instruments, and of course money, to pay for heating and food, for basic medical needs, for transport and many other things.